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Why do long tail keyword research? First we have to define what that is. Most everyone in Internet marketing understands the importance of keywords. We know that in some mysterious way Google, Yahoo, Bing and and the other search engines use key words in indexing your site, a process tied to a methodology known as Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. What SEO means to the Internet marketer is that when someone searches Google or one of the other search engines, your site not only comes up on the first page, it comes up in one of the first three positions on that first page. Ask yourself when the last time was that you even went to the second page on a Google search, or for that matter, lower than the fourth or fifth entry on the first page. Of course you don't. Nobody does.
If keyword research is so important, what is long tail keyword research, and why is it so important that we do it? To understand this important SEO concept we need to look back at the early days of Google, Yahoo and the other search engines. Some of us can remember a time when searches had to be an exact match. A misspelling or an extraneous word would render a search useless.
Long tail keyword research is built on the fact that Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the other search engines now go to great lengths to match the intention of the searcher with the correct information offering. This process is often referred to as a funnel. In the same way a physical funnel widens the opening of a container so a substance, usually a liquid, can end up in its intended receptacle, this keyword funnel gives the Internet search the widest initial opening to insure it has the best chance of reaching the site containing the information being sought.
Long tail keyword research starts where the searcher is. The primary reason people come to the Internet is to find information. If they are seeking information to solve a problem, they may not have a clearly defined search in mind. The somewhat rambling search phrase they enter into Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engine forms the basis for a long tail keyword. Research on what phrases are being entered into search engines will tell the Internet marketer what keywords or long tail keywords to use in articles, blogs or other information posted on the Internet. This can be a key to success in Internet marketing.
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